
The Association of Perinatologists in B&H is pleased to inform you that the 2nd Scientific Symposium in Perinatology with international participation will be held from 24-26 April 2025 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

We are proud that in Sarajevo we can share experience and knowledge in this field with colleagues from the region and beyond, the USA, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Saudi Arabia and Norway.

Our wish is to find common problems, exchange experiences and to create a safer environment for work in the future through the close cooperation of doctors and nurses.

Therefore, we cordially invite you to be a part of the story that will be a special approach in perinatology today.

The sponsor of this event will be the University Clinical Center Sarajevo, General Hospital “Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakaš” Sarajevo, Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton, Association of Neonatologists and Intensivists in FBiH, Medical Chamber of Sarajevo Canton, Association of Gynecologists in BiH

Simposium president: Prof. dr. Sabina Terzić, MD, PhD

Simposium vice presidents:
Prof. dr. Vajdana Tomić, MD, PhD
Prof. dr. Fatima Gavrankapetanović-Smailbegović, MD, PhD
Prof. dr. Vesna Ećim Zlojutro, MD, PhD

Simposium secretary: Alisa Džebo, LLB 



Prof.dr.sci. Vajdana Tomić

Prof.dr.sci. Vesna Ećim-Zlojutro

Prof.dr.sci. Fatima Gavrankapetanović-Smailbegović

Prof.dr.sci. Igor Hudić

Prof.dr.sci. Tatjana Barišić

Doc.dr.sci. Mohammed Ardat

Doc.dr.sci. Naima Imširija – Galijašević


Prof.dr.sci. Hajrija Maksić

Prof.dr.sci. Sabina Terzić

Prof.dr.sci. Selma Muratović

Prof.dr.sci. Marjana Jerković-Raguž

Dr. Veroslava Milošević

Dr. Jasmina Šlaku


Doc.Dr. sc. Elmedina Mrkulić, BSc Nurse

Doc. dr. sc. Health Sciences
Olivera Perić

Anita Prelec dipl.m.s., MSc in Midwifery (UK) Director of the Chamber – Zveze

Mr. Health Care and Therapy Sciences
Fahira Imamović

Mr. Health Care and Therapy Sciences
Kanita Perišić



Mr.dr.sci. Lejla Imširija-Idrizbegović Aida Đurđević

Dr.sci. Nenad Mišeljić

Armina Rovčanin – Osmanović

Dr. Tanja Milić – Radić

Prim. dr. Osman Blažević
Bedrana Muračević Begović

Dr. Nina Tiršo

Mr.dr.sci. Vanesa Dujso-Radaslić

Mr.dr.sci. Mahira Durić

Dr. Sara Kiskin Jovanović

Dr. Bojana Popović

Alisa Džebo, mr.iur

Jelka Zane bacc. ing. Computer Science


Dr. Amila Sidran

Dr. Anela Mahmić

Dr. Indira Abdulović

Dr. Lamija Hukeljić-Džidić

Dr. Adisa Robović–Kahrimanović

Dr. Aida Hakimi-Osmanbegović

Dr. Merjem Ridžal

Dr. Edina Pašić

Prim. Marija Novaković Bošnjak


Mr. Health Care and Therapy Sciences
Midheta Karišić

Mr. Health Care and Therapy Sciences
Šaldo Ðenana

Dipl. med. nurse Edina Duhović

Dipl. med. nurse Aleksandra Topić

Dipl. med. nurse Indira Đapo

Dipl. med. nurse Mersiha Kapidžić

med. nurse Vildana Žmirić

Dipl. med. nurse Aleksandra Babić

Dipl. med. nurse Sandra Radetić

Dipl. med. nurse Edina Mešanović

Simposium topics:

 1. WORKSHOP - Ultrasound examination of fetal anomalies in the second trimester - work on a model

2. Prenatal ultrasound diagnostics

3. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and the impact on the neonate

4. Infections during pregnancy

5. Induction of labor - indications and methods

6. Dilemmas in perinatology

7. WORKSHOP - Urgent conditions in obstetrics and neonatology

Submission of papers:

Papers for poster or oral presentation are submitted in the form of summaries/abstracts in an electronic form only. Send the completed form for writing summaries /abstracts via e-mail: [email protected]. Below the abstract text, specify author’s name and surname, telephone, e-mail address to which the notification about the acceptance of the work will be sent. Papers should be sent in the author’s language or in English in Word, Arial font, font size 12, line spacing 1.5. Tables should be made in Word according to the same rules. Each paper must have a summary/abstract in the author’s language and in English, as well as the names of authors and co authors, with the mandatory names of the institutions they work in and the location of the institution. The summary/ abstarct should not contain more than 300 words. In the “NOTE” field of the application from , indicate for which form of presentation the work is intended (oral or poster). The planned time for the oral presentation of the work will be indicated in the final program. Poster presentations should be in .pdf format. Detailed instructions for creating e-posters will be sent to authors by email. The presenter of the poster should be with the poster during the poster session and discusssion at the time indicated in the congress program. Works should contain: - Clearly defined title - Short introduction - Aim of the work - Materials and methods - Results and discussion - Conclusion - Literature Deadline for submission is February 25 th, 2025.

The deadline for submitting works is March 15, 2025. Submissions after March 15. will not be considered.

Congress presentation formats:

Lectures/Sessions and Posters. Participation Application: The participation application should be submitted according to the instructions on the registration form.The completed registration form and a copy of the payment slip should be sent via email to: [email protected].

Članovi Udruge/Udruženja do 01. 03. 2025
Early registration until
01. 03. 2025.
Late registration from
01. 03. 2025.
Payment on-site
• Specialist doctors200,00 KM250,00 KM300,00 KM
• Specialist trainees100,00 KM150,00 KM200,00 KM
Those who are not members of the Association
• Specialist doctors300,00 KM350,00 KM400,00 KM
• Specialist trainees200,00 KM250,00 KM300,00 KM
• Nurses / Technicians100,00 KM150,00 KM200,00 KM

The registration fee includes:

Attendance at lectures, work materials, certificate, welcome cocktail, 2 coffee breaks, 2 lunches

For registration fee payment, contact:

Perfecta Agency, Adis Duhović +387 61 214 222, [email protected]


22.000 KM + pdv

Digital promotional booth* or 10 m² exhibition space of your choice

2 satellite symposiums, each lasting 25 minutes
(total of 50 minutes)

15 free registrations for Symposium participation

Color advertisement on the back cover (outer side) of the final symposium program distributed to all participants

Logo placement on the accreditation badges ("name tags") of participants, speakers, and sponsor staff

Logo placement on the back page of the final
Symposium program

Sponsor roll-up banners inside the conference center, as agreed

Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in the conference

Logo placement on the website and on the bags

Free admission to the Symposium for all employees

Certificate of appreciation presented at the end of the Symposium


17.000 KM + pdv

Digital promotional booth* or 8 m2 exhibition space of your choice

2 satellite symposiums, each lasting 25 minutes
(total of 50 minutes)

10 free registrations for Symposium participation

Color advertisement on the back cover (outer side) of the final symposium program distributed to all participants

Logo placement on the accreditation badges ("name tags") of participants, speakers, and sponsor staff

Logo placement on the back page of the final
Symposium program

Sponsor roll-up banners inside the conference center, as agreed

Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in the conference

Logo placement on the website and on the bags

Free admission to the Symposium for all employees

Certificate of appreciation presented at the end of the Symposium


13.000 KM + pdv

Digital promotional booth* or 6 m² exhibition space of your choice

1 satellite symposium lasting 25 minutes

5 free registrations for Symposium participation

Color advertisement on the back cover (outer side) of the final symposium program distributed to all participants

Logo placement on the accreditation badges ("name tags") of participants, speakers, and sponsor staff

Logo placement on the front page of the final Symposium program

Sponsor roll-up banners inside the conference center, as agreed

Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in the conference

Logo placement on the website and on the bags

Free admission to the Symposium for all employees

Certificate of appreciation presented at the end of the Symposium


8.000 KM + pdv

Digital promotional booth* or 4 m² exhibition space of your choice

1 satellite symposium lasting 20 minutes

3 free registrations for Symposium participation

Color advertisement on the back cover (outer side) of the final symposium program distributed to all participants

Logo placement on the accreditation badges ("name tags") of participants, speakers, and sponsor staff

Logo placement on the front page of the final Symposium program

Sponsor roll-up banners inside the conference center, as agreed

Opportunity to distribute promotional materials in the conference

Logo placement on the website and on the bags

Free admission to the Symposium for all employees

Certificate of appreciation presented at the end of the Symposium

* Separate LCD for Platinum Sponsor

** Shared LCD for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sponsors



25 minutes – 6,000 KM + pdv

20 minutes – 5,000 KM + pdv

15 minutes – 3,500 KM + pdv


1,500 KM + pdv per 1 m2


3.000 KM + pdv


Color, full page – 1,000 KM + pdv

Hotel Terme

Bed and breakfast accommodation in a single room

125,00 KM + pdv

Bed and breakfast accommodation in a double room

80,00 KM + pdv – per person

Free parking provided

For accommodation payment, contact:

Perfecta Agency, Adis Duhović +387 61 214 222, [email protected]

Hotel Austria & Bosna

Bed and breakfast accommodation in a single room

190,00 KM + pdv

Bed and breakfast accommodation in a double room

120 KM + pdv – per person

Free parking provided

For accommodation payment, contact:

Perfecta Agency, Adis Duhović +387 61 214 222, [email protected]

Technical Organizer

Perfecta Agency

Adis Duhović, Director

Perfecta Agency (ID 4301777380006; VAT No. 301777380006) Address: Branilaca Šipa 33, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 61 214 222 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 

ProCredit Bank: 1941410212500110